Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 6: Odds 'n Ends

Just a quick recap of last week: I sent out a few more emails to possible collaborators, but have gotten limited responses. That part of the project seems to have stalled. I'm still trying to set up a meeting with Tom Burns and Cliff to talk about organizing a Drupal training. I worked on project documentation, and spent more time online looking at design templates. I downloaded Elgg, the open-source social networking software, but was unsuccessful in completing the installation. I also worked on finalizing the list of fields to be included in the CIP templates.

My triumph for the week was finally figurung out how Views works in Drupal. This will let us create customized lists of content, so that each time a content provider adds a new entry to a directory, it will automatically be filtered for the list in that category. I still have some tweaking to do, but at least now I understand how it works.

This week, I'll be putting an ad up on the site so we can hopefully hire someone to create the user interface. Also will be continuing with the previously mentioned tasks, and whatever else happens to come up.