I didn't blog this summer, though I did continue to do project work in DLS. I was officially still on the EAD "task force", which in my case involved attending the occasional meeting to keep up on the project's progress. There wasn't as much for Joanna and I to do during this time, as the main tasks fell to John (working with the Archon database) and Raj (creating the web interface). There's a day trip planned to the University of Illinois in the next couple of weeks to meet with the Archon developers, but since my involvement at this point is minimal I likely won't go. I do plan to continue going to task force meetings this semester, just to stay informed and help with anything that might be needed.
My focus this summer was on migrating the Virtual Writing University audio files into the Iowa Digital Library. I migrated two sub-collections within the VWU digital collection, which were recordings from the 2005 NonfictioNow Conference and interviews by Prof. Peter Nazareth with members of the International Writing Program (around 100 files in all). The project involved reformatting the files from wav to mp3, uploading them to contentDM, making a metadata template, creating the records, and coming up with a preliminary interface design. As a former comparative literature major, it was really interesting for me to listen to the recordings and research the writers involved in order to catalog the entries. There are more subcollections to be added and the interface to be fleshed out, which will be continued this semester by a new set of fellows.
This semester, my last, I will be working on the eGranary Digital Library at Widernet. While I'll miss DLS, it will be good to get some experience in a different setting. This week I met with Cliff Missen and Brent Palmer, my new mentors, to discuss project possibilities. We decided I will start out working to develop the template for a "community information platform", which will allow users of the eGranary to add their own content (for creating local directories, etc.). Widernet is partnering with Intel, which donated a large sum of many for the project, so it looks to be an interesting opportunity. In fact, the day after our meeting Cliff and Brent left for California to meet with the Intel folks.
I spent the rest of the week familiarizing myself with the eGranary and researching Drupal, the content management system we will use to create the template. While I haven't used Drupal before, the fact that I learned Joomla! in Electronic Publishing last semester will give me a big leg up. Next week, I'll meet with Brent to learn more about the project and discuss next steps.