The past couple of weeks, we've been having regular work sessions with Jen. We're each working on encoding separate finding aids, and then comparing our work to catch errors and inconsistencies and answer each other's questions. This is very helpful because when Joanna and I first started doing markup we felt kind of lost and didn't know if we were doing it right. Since Jen has more experience, having her do the coding along with us seems to be speeding up the learning process. I feel much more comfortable now, due to her help as well as the amount of practice I've had since the beginning of the semester.
Joanna and I also finally got a draft done of that template we've been planning for so long. I'm sure it will end up being revised, but it's nice to know we have some form of completed document. Our work in the coming week will likely focus on tweaking the template.
Since my last post, we also had a meeting with DLS folk to go over the search/browse interface for delivering the finding aids on Archon. Sue, Linda, and Bryan will be in charge of making our design a reality. The meeting was surprisingly short; I expected there would be the need for some negotiation of our design, but Sue and Linda didn't see any problem with implementing our original idea. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.
Speaking of Archon, we also tried to import one of our completed EAD XML files into the program. Unfortunately, Archon didn't like that and wouldn't take the file. This is problematic, as the whole point of creating a template is so the resulting customized files can be uploaded directly to Archon. Sue and John Osborn are working on resolving the issue, so we're keeping our fingers crossed. We have a meeting scheduled for next week with John to discuss the problem.